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It is one of the Public Learning Institutions in the Municipality of Minglanilla, Cebu Province Division. The school is situated in Proper Guindaruhan, Minglanilla, Cebu with a total land area of 20,001 square meters or 2 hectares. The school site was acquired through Proclamation No. 529 by the President of the Republic of the Philippines, Malacañan Palace, Manila, last February 21, 1990 (occupying a lot no. 7409). The school is found 10 kilometers away from the National Road and 50 meters away from the Barangay Road. Cebuano is the principal dialect in the locality.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

ENGLISH VERSION: Narrative Report on the trip for 1 month in Tours, France

 By Ermetes ADOLFO Jr.
School Head, Guindaruhan National High School
Who Traveled in Tours, France for Language and 
Culture Immersions 

At the outset, the main reason for the trip was in agreement between the French government and the Philippine government. It happened two months ago, and the travel took place from October 20 to  November 20, 2012.

My destination was in Tours, France with the full address "272 Avenue de Grammont, 37000 Tours, France." It was found in the contract that I must stay with my host family. Her name is Mrs. Mahite Joram. For the approval and host certification, it said further in the contract that I have to stay with Mrs. Joram as my host family with the above address, along with the  school, the Institute of Touraine.
During my first week of French classes, I was assigned to level 1, but later on... I was transferred to a higher level. For me, all the classes, during my stay in 1 month, were very interesting and the teachers were excellent. 

All French classes were interesting and I liked the way the teachers taught us with different strategies of teaching. In general, the discussion was great and I liked it very much. For most of us, we disagreed on almost all topics given to us for a debate in French language. Everyone was reminded of us: "you write well and you say well."  

I believe that education in the Philippines is different from education in France. The reason is that ... here in France, we have the advanced lessons with different exercises given to us by each professor per level of the lessons. Each class is closely monitored by the French teacher. 

In my French classes because I was in the advanced level, the teachers gave me different exercises so that I should learn the lessons very fast--just only for 1 month. Below, we learned the lessons according to the course-schedule good only for one month:

1. Monday :   9h-9h55                     Structures/écrit
10h05-11h                 Compréhension écrite
                                                            G. AMARGER
                        11h15-12h10              Atelier
                                                            G. AMARGER
                        12h15-12h45             TUTORAT Gilles A.
                        13h30-14h25             Compréhension orale
14h30-15h25             Production orale
15h30-16h25             Phonétique labo B3
2. Tuesday :   9h-9h55                     Phonétique labo B3                                                
                                                            A. VEILLON L.
                        10h05-11h                 Structures/écrit
                        11h15-12h10              Atelier renforcement grammaire
                        13h30-14h25             Compréhension orale
14h30-15h25             Production orale
3. Wednesday :9h-9h55                 Atelier écriture
                        10h05-11h                 Structures/écrit
11h15-12h10              Production orale
4. Thursday : 9h-9h55                     Atelier Phonétique labo B3                                                
                                                            A. VEILLON L.
                        10h05-11h                 Compréhension orale
11h15-12h10              Production orale
13h30-14h25             Phonétique labo B3
14h30-15h25             Compréhension écrite
                                                            G. AMARGER
15h30-16h25             Production orale
5. Friday :      9h-9h55                     Structures/écrit
                        10h05-11h                 Atelier
                                                            G. AMARGER
11h15-12h10              Phonétique labo B3

For our French studies, we had our official French textbooks below used also by the students and teachers for their lessons above :

Ø  Echo A1 méthode de français (J. GIRARDET & J. PÉCHEUR) avec DVD-ROM inclus
Ø  Echo A1 méthode de français – CAHIER PERSONNEL D’APPRENTISSAGE (J. GIRARDET & J. PÉCHEUR) avec 250 exercices
Ø  Bescherelle POCHE conjugaison (Les tableaux pour conjuguer, Les règles pour accorder et Tous les verbes d’usage courant)

As I have said many times…in fact, I posted my message already on facebook: "The last week of my stay in Tours, France before going back to the Philippines. This is the crucial week for me because I have to pass the written and oral examinations in French. The test was given to assess my understanding and learning of the French language.  

Thank God ... I made it. In other words, I passed and obtained satisfactory rating as the results of the test both  in written and oral communications. I also obtained my diploma in French. For my trip to Paris, it was a great experience! I visited the famous Eiffel Tower in France.”

During my stay in Tours, France, I did a lot of things like I photographed pictures (from different places… and if you have time, please see the URL links) around the city,  I attended classes from Monday to Friday, I listened to the teachers’ discussions, I answered the homework tasks, I performed in class, and I got a lot of  friends who also studied French.

Please see cover photos below and press URL links so that you could see all the photos:

In Part 5 of the photo album, I described the Eiffel Tower and my experiences about my stay and my studies: For my trip to Paris, it was a great experience! I visited the famous Eiffel Tower in France. 

It is true that the most famous monuments in Paris recently welcomed its millionth two hundred visitors: a record for the Eiffel Tower, built at the end of the last century, which ranks among the most visited sites on the planet. But, despite its success, the tower will have to undergo a few changes and a large yard is ready too for changes. 

According to the, the top of its three hundred and twenty-four meters, overlooking the scenery of the surroundings, and the rooftops of Paris seem in almost blush with pleasure. 

In hundred and ten years, it has hosted two hundred million visitors, making it the most visited paid-building in the world. This year, the Eiffel Tower is expected to exceed six million visitors, more than twice the Empire State Building in New York which is ahead of the Tower of London which accounts only for two million visitors, and the Colosseum in Rome, for more a million.

As for me, learning the French language is great. I look forward to another seminar or special study of French in France. It’s the end of my experience report! Thank you very much. God bless you. Until next time!

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Further research study said that the canopy layer of a forest community may be seen as being the primary buffer between atmospheric conditions and the communities below; it bears the brunt of wind and temperature extremes, and is the first beneficiary of sunlight. Forest pine canopies may be dominated by coniferous, deciduous, or mixed coniferous-hardwood species. forest pine communities are characteristic of the cold area. After a disturbance in the coniferous forest, such as logging or burning, the canopy opening favors deciduous species, with their higher rates of photosynthesis. Aspen and paper birch pioneer such areas, and they may in turn be followed by mixed hardwood and coniferous trees in a zone of intergrading communities. Pine hardwood stands of basswood, yellow birch, and associated species develop on mesic uplands. On drier sites in the south and west portions of the forest, pine communities are more common.

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In addition to the research, beneath the canopy layer, shrubs vary locally in density. Seedlings and saplings of canopy pine trees bide their time in the shade; when a canopy tree falls, these young trees inherit the sunlight they need to succeed to canopy status themselves. Shrub-level species include beaked hazel, mountain maple, honeysuckle, and dogwood, along with others associated with specific soils and canopies. Variation of shrub density within the forest significantly affects the habitat and diversity of animal species.

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